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New roundshot policies - GDPR

In response to the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on May 25, 2018, we have reviewed how we collect, process, protect and share information from our website visitors and customers.




Over the past few weeks and months, we have been preparing to comply with the GDPR in a variety of ways. Firstly, we have updated our existing Terms & Conditions and implemented a new cookies policy that applies generally to all Roundshot IT tools.

Roundshot General Terms & Conditions [pdf, 240 KB]

Roundshot Cookies Policy [pdf, 192 KB]

Separately, we have introduced new privacy policies specifically tailored to our various IT platforms. We have also introduced a new Livecam pixelation feature to request one-time or permanent pixelation of livecam images. Here is an overview of these new guidelines broken down by our different IT platforms:

On our main website you will find our panorama products with the possibility of purchasing them through our e-shop. The roundshot website also presents the work of our photography customers in a gallery as well as presenting news and general information about our dealers and our company. Our customers can also register for our club for product registration and free software downloads.

Roundshot privacy policy www eshop club [pdf, 252 KB]

Livecam IT tools - html5 + html4 websites, Roundshot Livecam Global + Roundshot Livecam app

These software tools display the panoramic images from our customers' livecams for various media - both on normal PCs / laptops and on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
The privacy policy is displayed in the "Legal" section of our html5 website:

Roundshot privacy policy frontend [pdf, 256 KB]

Neue Livecam blurring report form

Our Livecams are set up to prevent people or objects from being detected by permanently blurring certain areas of the image. If a person is still recognizable, it is possible to send us a request for a one-time pixelation via the html5 website by placing a dot on the relevant area. It is also possible to request permanent pixelation for private areas in the Livecam image by marking an area in the image. Please note that in this case we need to identify the person submitting the request.

Livecam admin tool (CMS)

On our backend website, our customers can customize their Livecam websites and tools and have direct access to the image database and all embed codes.

Roundshot privacy policy backend CMS [pdf, 257 KB]

Livecam api website + new customer support website

Mit unserem api-Tool können unsere Vertriebspartner Livecam-Bilder einer bestimmten Region massenweise herunterladen und weiter verbreiten. Unsere neue Kundensupport-Website wird gerade fertiggestellt und wird demnächst auf den Markt kommen. Sie bietet eine vollständigere Datenbank für Kundenanmeldeinformationen, ein neues Ticketsystem für den Livecam-Service sowie ein RMA-System.

Roundshot privacy policy api [pdf, 246 KB]

Roundshot privacy policy support [pdf, 247 KB]

Roundshot club - special requirements

Stricter data protection regulations require us to contact all club members individually to ask them to confirm or revoke their registration under the new privacy policy. We are currently developing a tool for automated response processing and will initiate the validation process soon. We are suspending newsletters until this process is complete.


All privacy policies came into effect in mid-April 2018 and have since been available for download from our website We have also made them available on our various IT platforms until May 25, 2018 and in the next step we will also make them available individually on the login pages of our Roundshot club, the Roundshot Livecam backend, the API and our new Livecam support website.

We continue to fine-tune and update our policies as new information becomes available from the regulator.

If you have any doubts or questions about your data or the new policy, please contact us.