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The Queen's birthday in gigapixel resolution

English photographer Drew Gardner documented the parade for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's 92nd birthday in an impressive gigapixel image.


Commissioned by The Telegraph, Drew created a stunning 2.3 gigapixel image of the "Trooping of the Colour" parade, the Queen's official birthday celebration, complete with audio and an RAF flyover. For this project he used a Roundshot VR Drive and a Fujifilm GFX 50s camera in quality mode.

Drew says: "I have never used such reliable equipment from a small camera manufacturer like Seitz. The VR Drive and camera worked like Swiss clockwork!"

image: Drew Gardner (UK) with Roundshot VR Drive + Fujifilm GFX 50s (


Zoom into the picture and enjoy the view of the Queen and the Royal Family up close.

Congratulations to Drew for this fantastic image.