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Livecam Campaign + Ticino Competition

Our sharing partner WetterAlarm is giving away two Roundshot Livecams to lucky winners in the canton of Ticino!


Livecam San Salvatore (

The canton of Ticino is one of the most scenic areas in Switzerland with wonderful views. However, so far Roundshot has only been able to install one Livecam in the southernmost canton of Switzerland.

For this reason, together with our partner WetterAlarm, we are launching a Livecam campaign + competition for Ticino.

Destinations can apply via the WetterAlarm website. The two destinations with the best views will be determined through an online vote.

Livecam prize details:

  • Two Roundshot Livecams 360° webcams with a resolution of up to 66 million pixels, with a total value of CHF 10,770, offered by WetterAlarm
  • Web service (web hosting, html5 / html4 w websites, apps, screensavers, remote maintenance), with a total annual value of CHF 3,600, unlimited in time, offered by Roundshot

Closing date for entries: October 21, 2018 11:59 p.m. (Central European Time)

Take part in the competition by clicking on one of the following links to the WetterAlarm competition website in German, French or Italian. The WetterAlarm website also contains the exact details about the process and conditions of the competition:




We wish all participants good luck and look forward to installing two new Livecams in beautiful Ticino soon!