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Roundshot Livecam at ESAF 2025!

We have recently installed a new Roundshot Livecam at the location of the Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival (ESAF) 2025 Glarnerland+, which will document the event with 360° panoramic images.

The Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival (ESAF, French Fête fédérale de lutte et des jeux alpestres, Italian Festa federale dei lottatori e degli alpigiani, Romansh Festa federala da lutga e da gieus alpesters) is a federal festival and takes place every three years. The Swiss national sports of Schwingen  (wrestling) and Steinstossen  (stone putting) are practiced, with wrestling being the focus. It took place for the first time in Biel in 1895. Together with the Unspunnenfest and the Kilchberger Schwinget, it is the most important competition in wrestling and stone putting.

ESAF Wikipedia 

Visit the new ESAF webcam by clicking on the image below:

As a Supporter of the ESAF 2025 Glarnerland+ we are proud to sponsor a Roundshot Livecam for this important Swiss Event and look forward to many interesting panoramas from the event location.