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New Roundshot Livecam generation 4 ready for launch!

The new Series of Roundshot Roundshot Livecam – Generation 4 – 360°-Webcams is in final assembly and will be available soon.


After testing 3 prototypes for 4 months under a variety of conditions by our technical team, some hardware modifications were incorporated into camera design.

Thanks to milling out non-essential material, the new camera is now significantly lighter than the prototype.

Our software team has completed the first release of the camera control software, which now also allows enhanced security, a secured data transfer option, software license key, a software update function and new blurring algorithms directly in the camera computer.

The first cameras will be delivered at the end of this month and will be installed in Switzerland, France and Austria, primarily in ski resorts but also in airports and for tourism applications.

video: Roundshot Livecam Generation 4 timelapse (reduced resolution, quality for YouTube)