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Livecam Newsletter - February 2020

We are pleased to present you the latest edition of our Roundshot Livecam newsletter, which informs you about the latest software functionalities as well as our new products Livecam Generation 4 and Livecam One.


Read the Livecam newsletter in English, German or French in our interactive PDF viewer:

>>> Roundshot Livecam Update - Newsletter - February 2020 (English version)

>>> Roundshot Livecam Update - Newsletter - Februar 2020 (Deutsche Version)

>>> Roundshot Livecam - Bulletin - février 2020 (version française)


image: Roundshot Livecam Jungfraubahnen Ostgrat - Livecam Generation 4 - 1st January 2020 - 6.40am

The newsletter also contains an overview of the exciting new functionalities of our Livecam Global + Livecam apps.

We wish all customers and users continued fun with the Livecams!