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Seitz wins MeteoSwiss tender

As part of a public tender process under WTO standards, Seitz Phototechnik AG / roundshot won the contract for the renewal and potential expansion of the current camera network of MeteoSwiss, the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology.


image: Roundshot Livecam test installation Säntis - 9 May 2020 14.00 - copyright Seitz Phototechnik AG


The conception, renewal and installation of the camera network will begin in July 2020 and will be implemented over a period of 3 years.

Seitz will deliver new Livecam Generation 4 cameras, which will be adapted to the specific requirements of MeteoSwiss in terms of workflow. These cameras will be serviced by Seitz for a contract period of 5 years with an option for a further 5 years.

Together with state-of-the-art hardware, Seitz will also implement new visualization software and the associated IT tools.


For more information about MeteoSwiss please visit the following website:

>>> MeteoSchweiz

We at Seitz are highly motivated to renew MeteoSchweiz's fleet of panoramic cameras with latest technology and would like to thank our new customer for this order and their trust.


image: Roundshot Livecam test installation Säntis - 7. June 2020 23.30 - Copyright Seitz Phototechnik AG