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New VR Drive instruction manuals

Since the market launch of VR Drive Generation 2 in May 2011, we have continuously expanded the VR Drive software and implemented many new functions and new software modes.

Here are some of the most important innovations:

  • New angle mode "visual" for a visual definition of the rows
  • New program assistant with improved workflow
  • new "HDR mode" for unlimited bracketing to create 32-bit HDR captures
  • new xml data export in the "Papywizard" standard for seamless integration into stitching software (AutoPano, PTGUI) - for precise determination of image positions
  • Possibility of program data export in Seitz format for back-up and data exchange

...and many many other new features.

Download the new VR Drive instruction manuals in German, English or French now and discover the variety of new VR Drive functions for yourself:

Roundshot VR Drive Bedienungsanleitung [pdf, 7.3 MB]

Roundshot VR Drive instruction manual [pdf, 7.2 MB]

Roundshot VR Drive manuel d'instructions [pdf, 7.3 MB]