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Roundshot VR Drive - time is money!

Is HDR photography a big topic for you?

Then take a look at the presentation that Roundshot gave at the IVRPA conference in New York in June 2012:

32-bit HDR spherical panorama with Roundshot VR Drive, stitched in AutoPano software, tone correction in PhotoMatix
Image: Urs Krebs

Roundshot VR Drive Time Is Money [pdf, 8.7 MB]

The 32-bit HDR image shown above was stitched together from 160 differently exposed images (5 images per position, 2 stops bracketing). These images were captured using a Roundshot VR Drive and a Canon 5D Mk II in just 5 minutes! Thanks to its very high level of automation, high precision and practically unlimited bracketing scope, the VR Drive delivers results that are simply unthinkable with manual VR solutions.