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Seitz 6x17 Digital portrait images

On the occasion of the IAPP conference in Chalon-sur-Saône in June 2012, we were invited to stay overnight with winegrowers in the region.

images: Urs Krebs with Seitz 6x17 Digital and 90mm Schneider Super Angulon XL (160 million pixels) 

The Seitz 6x17 Digital is a very nice camera for this task.

It delivers very attractive, undistorted images in 6x17 format and produces images with a massive 160 million pixel resolution. Enough resolution for nice prints.

Not to forget - the camera creates a picture in just a few seconds, which has the great advantage that the photographer can better stage the picture and show the results to the customer immediately.

Bouzeron is an "appellataion d'origine contrôlée" in the Cote Chalonnaise region of Burgundy.

Pictured is winemaker Pierre de Benoist, owner of the Domaine A. et P. de Villaine winery.