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Roundshot D3 - live!

French panoramic photographer Daniel Donzel brings the Roundshot D3 camera into a whole new world: 360° concert photography!


"Stitching? Not for me..." says Daniel Donzel as he scrolls through his concert panoramas on his iPad. "I capture emotions... and I do it best with my Roundshot D3!".

Daniel is actually a VR photographer specializing in virtual tours. "When I bought my D3 a few years ago, I discovered a whole new world... and let that go."

After publishing his book "Ardèche 360" - an illustrated book of beautiful landscapes from the south of France - he turned his attention to a whole new audience.

"In concert photography I can combine the power of my camera with my own creativity."

The result: some breathtaking, almost poetic 360° images that capture everything: the artists, the lights, the fans, the feeling of an incredible moment.

Visit Daniel Donzel's gallery page:

>>> gallery Daniel Donzel