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VR Drive G-force test

Zurich photographer and multimedia producer Dominik Baumann has once again published some breathtaking VR panoramas for Blick - a large Swiss media group.


>>> You haven't seen Switzerland quite like this


6,766 meters above sea level, speeds of up to supersonic, a load of almost 6 G on body and equipment. Dominik has definitely pushed himself to the limit of what is possible for humans and machines. He was invited to take 180x360° panoramas for the Patrouille Suisse, the Swiss Air Force's show squadron.

To do this, he used a Roundshot VR Drive with a special trigger and a digital SLR camera with a fisheye lens, which rotated around its own axis in 6 seconds in speed mode. It was extremely important that the jets remained in formation during the recording - otherwise digital stitching of the images would have been impossible. It didn't take much for the wing tips of the F-5 fighter jets to touch.

Dominik said: "It was impressive to feel the force with which I was pushed into my seat... keeping the jets in formation for the recordings was also a big challenge for the Patrouille Suisse fighter pilots."


Congratulations to Dominik for those fascinating VR panoramas!

images: Dominik Baumann /