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Livecam - sleepless in Seatlle!

At the end of December 2014, our American distributor PanoAlpin, in collaboration with PANOGS, installed a Roundshot Livecam on the top of the Space Needle, Seattle's most famous attraction.

At the end of December 2014, our American distributor PanoAlpin, in collaboration with PANOGS, installed a Roundshot Livecam on the top of the Space Needle, Seattle's most famous attraction. The camera works day and night, 24/7, and captures atmospheric panoramas all year round.

Roundshot Livecam Space Needle Seattle

The Space Needle was built for the 1962 World's Fair and became an important "icon" of Seattle. From the visitor platform, which is 160 meters (520 feet) above ground, you can enjoy great views of Seattle and the bay.

>>> Space Needle website

Yesterday, GeekWire published an interesting article about the new camera and the new Space Needle 360 app:

>>> Geek Wire article

We warmly welcome Space Needle to the circle of Livecam customers and look forward to many fantastic panoramas from Seattle!