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photokina news: new Roundhot Livecam!

Seitz Phototechnik / Roundshot presents the new Roundshot Livecam generation 3, the first 360° webcam that combines photo panorama recordings of up to 66 million pixels with video.

Seitz Phototechnik / Roundshot presents the new Roundshot Livecam Generation 3, the first 360° webcam combining panorama images of up to 66 million pixels with video.


Roundshot Livecam press release:

Roundshot Livecam Pressebericht Deutsch [pdf, 343 KB]

Roundshot Livecam press release English [pdf, 318 KB]

The highlights of the Roundshot Livecam in a nutshell:

  • 360° panoramic scan camera for the web with up to 66 million pixels photo resolution (photography)
  • Optional full HD video camera for recording moving images
  • Advanced automation: control focal length, focus, aperture + vertical tilt automatically or remotely
  • Integrated mini computer with Linux OS directly in the camera with optional WiFi and optional 3G/4G data connection
  • Multimedia content software (html5/html4 websites, customers + Roundshot apps, screen saver program, TV broadcast)
  • Choice of two flexible data service plans (Full/Economy)
  • new attractive basic price for 360° photo webcam

Roundshot Livecam Generation 3 Flyer Deutsch [pdf, 20.5 MB]

Roundshot Livecam Generation 3 Flyer English [pdf, 20.5 MB]

Visit the Roundshot Livecam products webpage for more information.