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  • Roundshot club - account confirmation

    As a final step in implementing our cookie + data protection guidelines in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we ask all Roundshot Club members to log into the club and confirm their membership.

  • VR Drive - new adjustable bottom VR plate

    For those VR Drive customers who often use the same camera housing, we have developed a new fixed VR plate, which enables even more precise adjustment of the center point and a more compact design.

  • The Queen's birthday in gigapixel resolution

    English photographer Drew Gardner documented the parade for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's 92nd birthday in an impressive gigapixel image.

  • Gigapixel passion - Helmuth Günther

    Photographer Helmuth Günther from Bavaria / Germany shared with us his experience and enthusiasm for VR Drive gigapixel photography.

  • New roundshot policies - GDPR

    In response to the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on May 25, 2018, we have reviewed how we collect, process, protect and share information from our website visitors and customers.

  • Software Update Roundshot VR Drive

    The new version 2.021 is now available to download from our “Club”.

  • MountainPlanet - many thanks!

    Greetings from the AlpExpo in Grenoble/France, where the Roundshot team presented the Roundshot Livecam and its e-marketing possibilities for mountain destinations and tourism applications from April 18th - 20th, 2018.

  • Roundshot at NSAA show Marco Island

    We are pleased to announce that our Roundshot distributor PanoAlpin will be presenting the Roundshot Livecam at the annual NSAA conference and trade show.

  • Roundshot @ MountainPlanet 2018

    We are pleased to announce the Seitz team's participation in the biennial Mountain Planet trade fair in Grenoble / France.

  • Roundshot VR Drive - new software

    The spring software update season has begun for the Roundshot team and we are pleased to introduce the new Roundshot VR Drive version 2.020.

  • New D3 capture software ready

    Today we published the new version 4.13 of the capture software for the Roundshot D3 + Seitz 6x17 Digital cameras.

  • Price lists 2018 + service conditions

    We are pleased to publish the 2018 price lists, which include a variety of accessory updates.

  • Farewell D3!

    Our stock of Roundshot D3 and Seitz 6x17 digital cameras is sold out and we are stopping sales of these two models to make room for new developments.

  • Happy New Year!

    We wish you all lots of drive for 2018!

  • Happy Holidays from Roundshot!

    The entire Seitz team wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • new Livecam apps for Android + IOS!

    We have enhanced our Roundshot Livecam + Roundshot Livecam Global app with additional features and have completed a general overhaul.

  • Livecam sharing partners - welcome!

    We warmly welcome our new Livecam sharing partners to our roundshot api platform, a powerful software interface that enables automatic image downloading.

  • New VR Drive firmware version 2.016

    Our new VR Drive firmware version 2.019 is now available for download and allows for some powerful new features.

  • Fascinating Livecam winter images

    With the fresh snow our Livecams capture fascinating winter landscapes!

  • Our happy VR Drive winners

    One month after our prize draw, the winners picked up their prize at our office in Lustdorf.